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We have all the extensive knowledge about European mail and parcel delivery market. 

Wheat field, Greece

Europe has 37 countries. In all of these countries we have a leading Postal company with different rules and regulations. Don't forget the pricing. Global Mail knows exactly what is required to have the best access to those markets. We would love to share and help you with the right market knowledge combined with the best postage rates. Please let us know your configuration and we let you know what we can work out.

Direct Mail

Tatra Mountains, Slovakia


Parcel business is growing fast and also the need of flexible and market orientated costs. Global Mail has the great expertise and rates to support your organization in having a transparent and quick delivery solution within Europe. We are based in the center of Europe and understand the local needs and also the customs clearance process where needed. Let us work out a solid framework for your parcel traffic.

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Fuerteventura, Spain


Long distance can be overcome by airplane but even quicker by data lines. Our Lettershop facility and the quality we produce are great. We offer a safe and qualitative production of your transactional mail, invoices or direct mails. Please give us some indication and we work out a solid rate model for all your needs.

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Nuremberg, Germany


European customers ask you for a catalogue, a give away or even one of your own products. At the moment you have to pay a lot of transport or postage costs and also the customer would receive your goods in 2-3 weeks. This could be solved by someone who supports you out of the heart of Europe. Global Mail offers incredible and easy forward models and ideas to overcome that sort of commercial barrier. With our transparent Mailrunner Software you will be able to coordinate and control your stock easily.

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Edingbourgh, Scotland

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